Web 2.0 Prototype for Joanne Gongoleski and Michelle Hick's Shelfari Service

Thursday, June 30, 2011

alas...my book review

Below is my book review...

This book review was created using Prezi software. To navigate through my book review, continue clicking on the arrow below the presentation. Click whenever you are ready to advance to the next slide.

Note: A special thanks to Laura Gladding for exposing me to this software. Class, visit Prezi.com to access this software, which has a free version and is another example of social media!


  1. Joanne--Great job with Prezi I was briefly introduced to this tool, but had not actually seen a presentation done with with. I like the way users can "poke" around at will (especially to return to info they may like to revisit..also the ability to manipulate text size is important for many.
    I especially like the video you chose..I enjoyed the creative dance moves performed by the group utilizing everyday machines in a fun way (certainly "out of the box" thinking. I hope the book was as much fun to read!

  2. Thanks Loraine. All the video clips, aside from the one I used as my hook (100 Greatest Hits...) were cited as pivotal YouTube videos in the areas shown on my presentation. I really do like Prezi and plan to use it in my classroom this coming year.

  3. Great job Joanne! I had never heard of Prezi but I am exploring the site this afternoon. I will work with it this summer and use it this year in my library. Thanks for sharing.
